Canada Needs to Take a Risk: The Case for a Canadian Gaming Convention

Canada Needs to Take a Risk: The Case for a Canadian Gaming Convention
photo credit: loadscreengg

As I sit in my plane seat, reminiscing about the incredible experience at Pax West, one question keeps nagging me: Why doesn't Canada have its dedicated gaming convention? Why do Canadian studios have to showcase their talents abroad when we have so much to offer here? It's high time we take a risk and create an annual gaming-focused event that showcases Canadian gaming work and welcomes talent from around the world. We've played it safe for too long, and it's time for bold action.

A Missed Opportunity

Pax West, undoubtedly a fantastic event, provides gamers and game developers a platform to come together and celebrate their passion. However, realizing that we must travel to other countries to meet Canadian studios and see their creations is disheartening. The absence of a major gaming convention in Canada means missed opportunities for networking, exposure, and collaboration. It's a missed chance to put our nation's gaming talent on the global stage.

Incredible Canadian Representation at Pax West

This year's Pax West showcased the immense talent of Canadian developers, with games like Sea of Stars, FaeFarm, and Ravenlok stealing the spotlight this year. These games are a testament to the creativity and innovation of our Canadian studios. However, it's time to recognize that we need a dedicated platform for these games to shine even brighter. While some larger studios like Ubisoft can participate in international events, many smaller and equally talented studios go unnoticed.

Demand for a Canadian Gaming Focus Event

The demand for a Canadian gaming convention is evident. Canada has a thriving gaming community that includes content creators, streamers, and enthusiastic gamers who want to see the local industry flourish. As every country rallies around its national teams during sporting events, we should rally around our gaming talent. Our support can extend beyond streaming sessions to a dedicated event that showcases the best of Canadian gaming.

photo credit: loadscreengg

Embracing Risk for Growth

Some companies may hesitate to take risks, especially in the gaming industry, where success is never guaranteed. However, playing it safe can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. By not taking a chance at a Canadian gaming convention, we risk falling behind on the global stage and losing our top talents to other countries. It's time for industry leaders and visionaries to step up and invest in our gaming future.


Canada has a vibrant gaming industry that deserves its moment in the spotlight. It's high time we take a risk and establish a Canadian gaming convention. This event celebrates our talent and attracts developers and gamers worldwide. With incredible games like Sea of Stars, FaeFarm, and Ravenlok on the horizon, there's no better time to make this dream a reality. Let's unite as a gaming community, embrace the risk, and create a platform where Canadian gaming can flourish. Our industry's future depends on it, and we have the talent and passion to make it happen.