Solace State: A Deep Dive into Emotional Cyberpunk Stories by Vivid Foundry

Solace State: A Deep Dive into Emotional Cyberpunk Stories by Vivid Foundry

In this cyberpunk-themed visual novel centered around themes of friendship and revolution, step into the shoes of Chloe, a youthful hacker. She confronts a series of political obstacles in her quest to empower the inhabitants of a biotech city under heavy militarization.

The decisions you make, whether they involve navigating intricate intrigues, nurturing relationships, or taking a stand against oppressive forces, will ultimately determine the degree of freedom gained or lost. The perspective you choose to adopt will be pivotal in shaping Chloe's journey.

Solace State Available on September 14th

Solace State: Emotional Cyberpunk Stories on Steam
Can you retain your humanity while fighting against a corporate biotech conspiracy? Play as the young hacker Chloe who confronts political plots as she fights for her friends and her neighbors. Your choices in building up relationships and communities can revolutionize into hope or heartbreak.